Cluster 10-2025: 1. Rehabilitation of Faniyas Pathway in Samoki; 2. Improvement of Faniyas Pathway in Samoki; 3. Drainage Pathway at Kas-Ot, Samoki; 4. Improvement of Lanao Ato, Bontoc Ili; 5. Constru

PhilippinesTenders notice for Cluster 10-2025: 1. Rehabilitation of Faniyas Pathway in Samoki; 2. Improvement of Faniyas Pathway in Samoki; 3. Drainage Pathway at Kas-Ot, Samoki; 4. Improvement of Lanao Ato, Bontoc Ili; 5. Constru. The reference ID of the tender is 115784121 and it is closing on 13 Mar 2025.

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Tender Details

  • Country: Philippines
  • Summary: Cluster 10-2025: 1. Rehabilitation of Faniyas Pathway in Samoki; 2. Improvement of Faniyas Pathway in Samoki; 3. Drainage Pathway at Kas-Ot, Samoki; 4. Improvement of Lanao Ato, Bontoc Ili; 5. Constru
  • PHT Ref No: 115784121
  • Deadline: 13 Mar 2025
  • Competition: ICB
  • Financier: Self Financed
  • Purchaser Ownership: Public
  • Tender Value: 1634000.00
  • Notice Type: Tender
  • Document Ref. No.: INFRA 2025-11
  • Purchaser's Detail :
    Mountain Province
    Philippines 2616

  • Description :
  • Tender are invited for CLUSTER 10-2025: 1. Rehabilitation of Faniyas pathway in samoki; 2. Improvement of Faniyas pathway in Samoki; 3. Drainage Pathway at Kas-ot, Samoki; 4. Improvement of Lanao Ato, Bontoc Ili; 5. Constru
    Product/Service Name : INFRA 2025-11
    Procurement Mode : Public Bidding
    Classification : Civil Works
    Category : Construction Projects
    Contract Duration : 75 Day/s
    Budget for the Contract : PHP 1,634,000.00
    Area of Delivery : Mountain Province
    Bontoc, Mountain Province

    Invitation to Bid for

    CLUSTER 10-2025: 1. Rehabilitation of Faniyas pathway in samoki; 2. Improvement of Faniyas pathway in Samoki; 3. Drainage Pathway at Kas-ot, Samoki; 4. Improvement of Lanao Ato, Bontoc Ili; 5. Construction of Cheppay drainage and pathway, Bontoc Ili; 6. Construction of Fatayan drainage in Bontoc Ili (Phase I)

    I.D. No. Infra 2025-11

    1. The Municipal Local Government Unit of Bontoc, through the General Appropriations Act or Special Appropriations intends to apply the sum of (Php 1,634,000.00) One Million Six Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Pesos being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for CLUSTER 10-2025: 1. Rehabilitation of Faniyas pathway in samoki; 2. Improvement of Faniyas pathway in Samoki; 3. Drainage Pathway at Kas-ot, Samoki; 4. Improvement of Lanao Ato, Bontoc Ili; 5. Construction of Cheppay drainage and pathway, Bontoc...
  • Documents :
  •  Tender Notice

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